N+1 problem in Hibernate

Understanding N+1 Problem in Hibernate.

Hibernate N+1 problem happens when two entities have association mapping. Consider we have entities called Book.java and Story.java. Both entities are associated in OneToMany bidirectional relations.

public class Book {

	@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
	private int bookId;

	@Column(name = "book_name")
	private String bookName;
	@OneToMany(mappedBy="book", cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST)
	private List<Story> storyList = new ArrayList<>();



public class Story {

	@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
	private int storyId;

	@Column(name = "story_name")
	private String storyName;

	@JoinColumn(name = "book_id", referencedColumnName = "bookId")
	private Book book;


Also, we have 5 books in the database and each book contains 2stories.

Each book contains two stories as below.

Spring Data JPA Interview Questions and Answers
How to write a custom method in the repository in Spring Data JPA

In case of the n+1 problem, if we fetch books(i.e as of now 5 records in DB) from the database then one query will get fired for the book and additional five select queries will get fired for the story.

In this scenario –

1= Query generated for parent entity.

n = Query generated for child entity(i.e 5 queries)

Replicating N+1 using HQL.

public List<Book> findBooks() {

    Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
    List<Book> books = session.createQuery("From Book", Book.class).getResultList();
    return books;

For the above code, one select query is for the book and five select queries are for the story. The query generated for the above code is below.

        book0_.book_id as book_id1_0_,
        book0_.book_name as book_nam2_0_ 
        book book0_
        storylist0_.book_id as book_id3_1_0_,
        storylist0_.story_id as story_id1_1_0_,
        storylist0_.story_id as story_id1_1_1_,
        storylist0_.book_id as book_id3_1_1_,
        storylist0_.story_name as story_na2_1_1_ 
        story storylist0_ 
        storylist0_.book_id as book_id3_1_0_,
        storylist0_.story_id as story_id1_1_0_,
        storylist0_.story_id as story_id1_1_1_,
        storylist0_.book_id as book_id3_1_1_,
        storylist0_.story_name as story_na2_1_1_ 
        story storylist0_ 
        storylist0_.book_id as book_id3_1_0_,
        storylist0_.story_id as story_id1_1_0_,
        storylist0_.story_id as story_id1_1_1_,
        storylist0_.book_id as book_id3_1_1_,
        storylist0_.story_name as story_na2_1_1_ 
        story storylist0_ 
        storylist0_.book_id as book_id3_1_0_,
        storylist0_.story_id as story_id1_1_0_,
        storylist0_.story_id as story_id1_1_1_,
        storylist0_.book_id as book_id3_1_1_,
        storylist0_.story_name as story_na2_1_1_ 
        story storylist0_ 
        storylist0_.book_id as book_id3_1_0_,
        storylist0_.story_id as story_id1_1_0_,
        storylist0_.story_id as story_id1_1_1_,
        storylist0_.book_id as book_id3_1_1_,
        storylist0_.story_name as story_na2_1_1_ 
        story storylist0_ 

Solution for N+1 problem using the HQL.

We can write a join query using HQL as below.

public List<Book> findBooks() {

    Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
    List<Book> books = session.createQuery("From Book book JOIN fetch book.storyList", Book.class).getResultList();
    return books;

We don’t have five additional queries for stories.

        book0_.book_id as book_id1_0_0_,
        storylist1_.story_id as story_id1_1_1_,
        book0_.book_name as book_nam2_0_0_,
        storylist1_.book_id as book_id3_1_1_,
        storylist1_.story_name as story_na2_1_1_,
        storylist1_.book_id as book_id3_1_0__,
        storylist1_.story_id as story_id1_1_0__ 
        book book0_ 
    inner join
        story storylist1_ 
            on book0_.book_id=storylist1_.book_id

Replicating N+1 problem using Spring Data JPA.

See Spring Data JPA interview questions with answers.

public List<Book> findBooks() {
    return (List<Book>) bookRepository.findAll();

For the above code again we will have one query for the book and five queries will have for the story.

Solution for n+1 problem using Spring Data JPA.

Writing JPQL using Spring Data JPA.

public interface BookRepository extends CrudRepository<Book, Serializable> {
	@Query("SELECT book FROM Book book LEFT JOIN FETCH book.storyList") 
	public List<Book> findBooks();

The query generated for the above code.

        book0_.book_id as book_id1_0_0_,
        storylist1_.story_id as story_id1_1_1_,
        book0_.book_name as book_nam2_0_0_,
        storylist1_.book_id as book_id3_1_1_,
        storylist1_.story_name as story_na2_1_1_,
        storylist1_.book_id as book_id3_1_0__,
        storylist1_.story_id as story_id1_1_0__ 
        book book0_ 
    left outer join
        story storylist1_ 
            on book0_.book_id=storylist1_.book_id

Hibernate N+1 problem example using spring boot and Spring Data JPA.

Open eclipse and create maven project, Don’t forget to check ‘Create a simple project (skip)’ and click on next. Fill all details(GroupId – nplusonespringbootexample, ArtifactId – nplusonespringbootexample and name – nplusonespringbootexample) and click on finish. Keep packaging as the jar.

The directory structure of the example.

N+1 problem in Hibernate
The directory structure of hibernate n+1 example.

Define pom.xml file.

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">

Define Entity and other classes/interfaces.


package com.javatute.entity;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.OneToMany;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;

public class Book {

	@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
	private int bookId;

	@Column(name = "book_name")
	private String bookName;

	@OneToMany(mappedBy = "book", cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST)
	private List<Story> storyList = new ArrayList<>();

	public int getBookId() {
		return bookId;

	public void setBookId(int bookId) {
		this.bookId = bookId;

	public String getBookName() {
		return bookName;

	public void setBookName(String bookName) {
		this.bookName = bookName;

	public List<Story> getStoryList() {
		return storyList;

	public void setStoryList(List<Story> storyList) {
		this.storyList = storyList;



package com.javatute.entity;

import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;

public class Story {

	@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
	private int storyId;

	@Column(name = "story_name")
	private String storyName;

	@JoinColumn(name = "book_id", referencedColumnName = "bookId")
	private Book book;

	public int getStoryId() {
		return storyId;

	public void setStoryId(int storyId) {
		this.storyId = storyId;

	public String getStoryName() {
		return storyName;

	public void setStoryName(String storyName) {
		this.storyName = storyName;

	public Book getBook() {
		return book;

	public void setBook(Book book) {
		this.book = book;



package com.javatute.service;

import java.util.List;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import com.javatute.entity.Book;

public interface BookService {
	public Book saveBook(Book book);

	public List<Book> findBooks();


package com.javatute.repository;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.List;

import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.Query;
import org.springframework.data.repository.CrudRepository;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

import com.javatute.entity.Book;

public interface BookRepository extends CrudRepository<Book, Serializable> {

	// Solution using JPQL
	 * @Query("SELECT book FROM Book book LEFT JOIN FETCH book.storyList")
	 * public List<Book> findBooks();

Define serviceimpl class.


package com.javatute.impl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import com.javatute.entity.Book;
import com.javatute.entity.Story;
import com.javatute.repository.BookRepository;
import com.javatute.service.BookService;

public class BookServiceImpl implements BookService {

	private BookRepository bookRepository;

	private EntityManager entityManager;

	public Book saveBook(Book book) {

		List<Story> storyList = new ArrayList<>();

		// create first story
		Story story1 = new Story();
		story1.setStoryName("Push Ki Rat");

		// create second story
		Story story2 = new Story();

		// add all story into storyList. Till here we have prepared data for
		// OneToMany

		// Prepare data for ManyToOne

		book = bookRepository.save(book);

		return book;


	public List<Book> findBooks() {

		Session session = entityManager.unwrap(Session.class);
		// Below code will cause n+1 problem
		 * List<Book> books = session.createQuery("From Book",
		 * Book.class).getResultList(); return books;

		// HQL solution
		List<Book> books = session.createQuery("From Book book JOIN fetch book.storyList", Book.class).getResultList();
		return books;

		// return (List<Book>)bookRepository.findBooks();


See more details about how to get a session from entityManager in the Spring Boot application. Also, see a depth tutorial about @Transactional here.


package com.javatute.controller;

import java.util.List;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

import com.javatute.entity.Book;
import com.javatute.service.BookService;

@RequestMapping(value = "/book")
public class BookController {

	private BookService bookService;

	@RequestMapping(value = "/savebook", method = RequestMethod.POST)
	public Book saveBook(@RequestBody Book book) {
		Book bookResponse = bookService.saveBook(book);
		return bookResponse;

	@RequestMapping(value = "/books", method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public List<Book> getBookDetails() {
		List<Book> books= bookService.findBooks();

		return books;


@RestController – This annotation is a combined form of @Controller and @ResponseBody. See more detail here.

Note – See here more about @Component, @Controller, @Service and @Repository annotations here.


package com.javatute.config;

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.data.jpa.repository.config.EnableJpaRepositories;

@EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = "com.javatute.repository")
public class JpaConfig {


@Configuration – This annotation is used for configuration purpose. See more details about @Configuration annotation here.

application.properties file

server.port = 9091


package com.javatute.main;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.domain.EntityScan;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;

public class SpringMain {
	public static void main(String[] args) {

        SpringApplication.run(SpringMain.class, args);


Let’s run and deploy the example.

Url for testing purpose –


Use the above URL and see the console. We should be able to see the generated query.

Hibernate n+1 problem

That’s all about the N+1 problem in Hibernate.

Download source code from Github.

See N+1 problem docs here.

You may like other Hibernate tutorials.

Spring Data JPA tutorial.

Summary – If two entities are associated in one to many bidirectional mapping, N+1 problem can occur while fetching the parent entity. In hibernate N+1 problem 1 query will get generated for parent entity and n additional query will get generated for child entity. We can resolve N+1 problem using join.