Association Mapping in Hibernate Using Spring Boot

Here we will see Association Mapping in Hibernate Using Spring Boot And Oracle. Association mappings are one of the important features of Hibernate where we define associations between two entity classes and the relationships between corresponding tables. Below are the four annotations used for association mapping.

  • @OneToOne
  • @OneToMany
  • @ManyToOne
  • @ManyToMany

Association Mapping in Hibernate Using Spring Boot And Oracle

Below are the important types of association mapping. All example has been implemented using Spring Boot, JPA and Oracle.

  • One To One unidirectional mapping – See an example here.
  • One To One Bidirectional mapping – See an example here.
  • One To Many unidirectional mapping – See an example here.
  • One To Many Bidirectional mapping – See an example here.
  • One To Many Bidirectional Using Join Table(Third table) – See an example here.
  • Many To one unidirectional mapping – See an example here.
  • Many To Many mapping – See an example here.

That’s all about Association Mapping in Hibernate using Spring Boot and Oracle.

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Spring Data JPA tutorials.

Association Mapping in Hibernate docs.