How to create SQS queue in AWS

In this tutorial we will learn How to create SQS queue in AWS using AWS Cnsole Managemnet from scratch.

Make sure we have an AWS account. See how to create AWS account here.

Once we will have AWS account, sign in into AWS account.

How to create SQS queue in AWS

Once you successfully signed in you should able to see AWS management console as below.

How to create SQS queue in AWS step by guide

Search for Simple Queue service in find services option. We should able to see Simple Queue Servcie.

Click on create queue option.

There are two options, first one is standard info and second one is FIFO. Keetp default option(i.e Standard Option).

In case of Standard messages will not any order while in case of FIFO(as name suggest) it will maintain first in first out.

We can see name section give any queue name. For example i have given queue name javatute-first-sqs.

Rest of option keep default and click on Create queue option.

How to create SQS queue in AWS

We have successfully created our AWS SQS queue. We can see Queue name and also we have URL.

That all about how to create SQS queue in AWS tutorial. If you have any doubt, please leave a comment.

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Summary – We have seen how to create SQS queue in AWS.