OriginTrackedPropertiesLoader class in Spring Boot

Here we will see about OriginTrackedPropertiesLoader class in Spring Boot.

The OriginTrackedPropertiesLoader is defined in org.springframework.boot.env package and mainly used to load  .properties files.

The OriginTrackedPropertiesLoader class has filed called resource that is the reference of Resource class.


OriginTrackedPropertiesLoader class in Spring Boot


The OriginTrackedPropertiesLoader class has load() method. It loads the application.properties/application.yml and returns the map of String and OriginTrackedValue.

	public Map<String, OriginTrackedValue> load(boolean expandLists) throws IOException {
		try (CharacterReader reader = new CharacterReader(this.resource)) {
			Map<String, OriginTrackedValue> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
          //some more logic

			return result;




OriginTrackedPropertiesLoader class in Spring Boot


That’s all about OriginTrackedPropertiesLoader class in Spring Boot.


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