The Spring Batch StoredProcedureItemReader is similar to JdbcCursorItemReader where for common cases we replace the SQL property with procedure name. The JdbcCursorItemReader runs a query to obtain a cursor whereas Spring Batch StoredProcedureReader runs a stored procedure to get a cursor.
The stored procedure can return the cursor in three different ways:
- As a returned
– This is used by SQL Server, Sybase, DB2, Derby, and MySQL. - As a ref-cursor returned as an out parameter – This is used by Oracle and Postgresql
- As the return value of a stored function call.
Configuring spring batch StoredProcedureItemReader
Define RowMapper for StoredProcedureItemReader
public class StudentResultRowMapper implements RowMapper<Student> {
public Student mapRow(ResultSet rs, int i) throws SQLException {
Student student = new Student();
return student;
Configure StoredProcedureItemReader
public StoredProcedureItemReader reader() {
StoredProcedureItemReader reader = new StoredProcedureItemReader();
reader.setRowMapper(new StudentResultRowMapper());
return reader;
The StoredProcedureItemReader
class extends AbstractCursorItemReader
That’s all about the Spring batch StoredProcedureItemReader example.
See docs for more details.
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