capgemini interview questions for java

In Capgemini there are following round if you are going for 2-4 years experience.

1. written –  In written they ask the objective question. This will be system round.
2.technical round – They asked some core java and framework related question.
4.Managerial round
5.Hr round


Location – Bangalore Eco Space

The following question has been asked in Capgemini. Although this totally depends on the panel and your profile. (Date 23 May 2014)

1. What are the java7 features?

2. How does hashmap work in java?
3. Where value will store in HashMap?
4. Which module in spring you have worked?

5.In spring MVC how you will handle the exception?

6. How you will integrate spring with hibernate?

7. What is the meaning of dependency injection in spring?
8. What is a tag interface?